H2 Mathematics
This site is for students taking GCE 'A' Level H2 Maths. Here is a summary of H2 Maths topics. F Maths students please go to Further Mathematics Page.
These apps have been optimised for laptop use. Mobile users may prefer to hold their phones in landscape mode.


Sequences & Series





Complex Numbers

Permutations & Combinations



Partial Fraction

Cover Up Rule

Quadratic Equation

Sequences and Series

Saving Problem

Binomial Expansion

Savings & Loans Problems

Range of Validity



Rational Function

Transformation of Graphs

Modulus and Reciprocal Graph

Test Point Method

Inequality with Modulus


Domain & Range of a Function

Composite Function

Range of Composite Function


Differentiation by First Principles


Tangent and Normal

Parametric Equations

Integration by Standard Form

Splitting the Numerator

Integration By Parts

Area of Rectangles under a Curve

Solid of Revolution

Maclaurin Series

Differential Equation Growth/Decay Model

Differential Equation Rate In - Rate Out


Ratio Theorem

Dot and Cross Products

Vector Equation of a Line

Cartesian Form

Vector Problems involving Points & Lines


Vector Problems involving Points & Planes

Vector Problems involving Lines & Planes

Vector Problems involving 2 Planes

Complex Numbers

Cubic Equation

Argand Diagram

zn Real/Imaginary

Permutations & Combinations

Problems involving Choosing:

Choose People (with images)

Choose People (no images)

Choose Boys and Girls

Choose People to form Groups

Problems involving Arranging:

Arrange People

Arrange Boys and Girls

Arrange Around a Circle

Arrange Letters

Code Words


Probability (Cards)

Probability (Dice)

Tree Diagram

Discrete Random Variable

Binomial Distribution

Normal Distribution

Sum of Normal Variables

Unbiased Estimates

Hypothesis Testing (Z Test)

Z Test with Conclusion Given

Correlation and Regression

Here are some Microsoft Excel Simulations you can run on your laptop/desktop: (Click each link and press F9 on your keyboard)
1 Die to simulate the tossing of 1 die
2 Dice to simulate the tossing of 2 dice
Balls to simulate the drawing of balls
Coins to simulate the tossing of coins
Suits to simulate the drawing of cards according to suits
Card to simulate the drawing of cards according to suits & values
Central Limit: 1, 2 to demonstrate the Central Limit Theorem for a symmetrical Distribution
Central Limit: 1, 1, 1, 3 to demonstrate the Central Limit Theorem for a skewed Distribution

I have tried creating mobile phone apps. Android phone users are welcome to download from Google Play Store:

These apps can be used for

Best wishes for your GCE A Level Examination!

Yee Weng Hong

Further Mathematics Page

Interesting Aspects of Mathematics

Interesting Aspects of Science

Landmarks & Languages of the World

Landmarks & Literature of China

School Videos


My Toys