In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

1The ExordiumPraise be to God, Lord of the Universe, the Compassionate, the Merciful
2The CowBelievers, Jews, Christians, and Sabaeans - whoever believes in God and the Last Day and does what is right - shall be rewarded by their Lord.
3The ImransGod exalted Adam and Noah, Abraham's descendants and the descendants of Imran above the nations.
4WomenMen have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other.
5The Table'Lord,' said Jesus son of Mary, 'send down to us from heaven a table spread with food.'
6CattleThen a pair of camels and a pair of cattle. Say: 'Of these, has He forbidden you the males, the females, or their offspring?'
7The HeightsA barrier will divide them, and on the Heights there will be men who recognise each one by his look.
8The SpoilsSay: 'The spoils belong to God and the Apostle.'
9RepentanceIf you repent, it shall be well with you; but if you pay no heed, know that you shall not be immune from God's judgement.
10JonahBut it was so only with Jonah's people. When they believed, We spared them the penalty of disgrace in this life.
11HudTo 'Ad We sent their kinsman Hud. He said: 'Serve God, my people; you have no god but Him.'
12JosephJoseph said to his father: 'Father, I dreamt of eleven stars and the sun and the moon; I saw them prostrate themselves before me.'
13ThunderThe thunder sounds His praises, and the angels, too, in awe of Him.
14AbrahamAbraham said: 'Lord, make this [Mecca] a secure land. Preserve me and my descendants from serving idols.'
15Al-Hijr The people of Hijr also denied Our apostles. We gave them Our Signs, but they ignored them.
16The BeeYour Lord inspired the bee, saying: 'Make your homes in the mountains, in the trees, and in the hives which men shall build for you.'
17The Night JourneyGlory be to Him who made His servant go by night from the Sacred Temple [at Mecca] to the farther Temple [at Jerusalem] whose surrounding We have blessed.
18The CaveWe made them sleep in the cave for many years, and then awakened them to find out who could best tell the length of their stay.
19Mary'How shall I bear a child,' she answered, 'when I have neither been touched by any man nor ever been unchaste?'
20Ta' Ha''Moses, I am your Lord. Take off your sandals, for you are now in the sacred valley of Tuwa.'
21The ProphetsWe inspired all the apostles We sent before you, saying: 'There is no god but Me. Therefore serve Me.'
22PilgrimageExhort all men to make the pilgrimage. They will come to you on foot and on the backs of swift camels from every distant quarter.
23The BelieversBlessed are the believers, who are humble in their prayers; who avoid profane talk, and give alms to the destitute; who restrain their carnal desires (except with their wives and slave-girls, for these are lawful to them).
24LightGod is the light of the heavens and the earth.
25Al-FurqanBlessed be He who has revealed Al-Furqan to His servant, that he may warn the nations.
26The PoetsPoets are followed by erring men. Behold how aimlessly they rove in every valley, preaching what they never practise.
27The AntWhen they came to the Valley of the Ants, an ant said: 'Go into your dwellings, ants, lest Solomon and his warriors should unwittingly crush you.'
28The StoryThese are the verses of the Glorious Book. In all truth We shall recount to you the tale of Moses and Pharaoh for the instruction of the faithful.
29The SpiderThose who serve other masters besides God may be compared to the spider which builds a cobweb for itself.
30The GreeksThe Greeks have been defeated in a neighbouring land [by the Persians in Syria in AD 615].
31LuqmanWe bestowed wisdom on Luqman, saying: 'Give thanks to God. He that gives thanks has much to gain.'
32AdorationNone believes in Our revelations save those who, when reminded of them, prostrate themselves in adoration and give glory to their Lord in all humility.
33The Confederate TribesThey thought the confederate tribes would never withdraw.
34ShebaFor the natives of Sheba there was indeed a sign in their dwelling-place.
35The CreatorPraise be to God, Creator of the heavens and the earth!
36Ya' SinI swear by the Wise Koran that you are sent upon a straight path.
37The RanksI swear by those who range themselves in ranks, by those who cast out demons, and by those who recite the Word, that your God is One.
38SadAnd tell of Our servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: men of might and vision whom We made pure with the thought of the hereafter.
39The ThrongsIn throngs the unbelievers shall be led to Hell.
40The BelieverBut one of Pharaoh's kinsmen, who in secret was a true believer, said: 'Would you slay a man merely because he says: "My Lord is God"? '
41Revelations Well ExpoundedRevealed by the Compassionate, the Merciful: a Book of revelations well expounded, an Arabic Koran for men of knowledge.
42CounselHe has ordained for you the faith which He rejoined on Noah, ... Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, saying: 'Observe the faith and do not divide yourselves into factions.'
43Ornaments of Gold... silver couches to recline upon and ornaments of gold: for all these are but the fleeting baubles of this life.
44SmokeWait for the day when the sky will pour down palpable smoke, enveloping mankind: a woeful scourge.
45KneelingYou shall see each community on its knees.
46The Sand DunesTell of 'Ad's kinsman who warned his people in the Valley of the Sand Dunes, saying: 'Serve none but God.'
47MuhammadAs for the faithful who do good works and believe in what has been revealed to Muhammad ... He will forgive them their sins and ennoble their state.
48VictoryWe have given you a glorious victory, so that God may forgive you your past and future sins.
49The ChambersThose who call out to you while you are in your chambers are for the most part foolish men.
50QafIn six days We created the heavens and the earth and all that lies between them.
51The WindsBy the dust-scattering winds and the heavily-laden clouds ... that which you are promised shall be fulfilled.
52The MountainBy the Mountain [Sinai], and by the Scripture penned on unrolled parchment ... your Lord's punishment shall surely come to pass!
53The StarBy the declining star, your compatriot [Muhammad] is not in error, nor is he deceived!
54The MoonThe hour of Doom is drawing near, and the moon is cleft in two.
55The MercifulIt is the Merciful who has taught the Koran.
56That Which is ComingWhen that which is coming comes - and no souls shall then deny its coming - some shall be abased and others exalted.
57IronWe have sent down iron, with its mighty strength and diverse uses for mankind.
58She who PleadedGod has heard the words of her [Khawlah] who pleaded with you against her husband and made her plaint to God.
59ExileIt was He that drove the unbelievers among the People of the Book out of their dwellings into the first exile.
60She Who is TestedBelievers, when believing women seek refuge with you, test them.
61Battle ArrayGod loves those who fight for His cause in ranks as firm as a mighty edifice.
62FridayBelievers, when you are summoned to Friday prayers hasten to the remembrance of God and cease your trading.
63The HypocritesWhen the hypocrites come to you they say: 'We bear witness that you are God's apostle.'
64CheatingThe day on which He will gather you, the day on which you shall all be gathered - that shall be a day of cheating.
65DivorceProphet (and you believers), if you divorce your wives, divorce them at the end of their waiting period.
66ProhibitionProphet, why do you prohibit that which God has made lawful for you, in seeking to please your wives?
67SovereigntyBlessed be He who in His hand holds all sovereignty.
68The PenBy the Pen, and what they [the angels] write, you are not mad.
69The CatastropheThe Catastrophe: and what is the Catastrophe? Would that you knew what the Catastrophe is!
70The LaddersHe is the Lord of the Ladders, by which the angels and the Spirit will ascend to Him in one day.
71NoahWe sent forth Noah to his people, saying: 'Give warning to your people before a woeful scourge overtakes them.'
72The JinnSay: 'It is revealed to me that a band of jinn listened to God's revelations and said: "We have heard a wondrous Koran giving guidance to the right path." '
73The Mantled OneYou that are wrapped up in your mantle, keep virgil all night.
74The Cloaked OneYou that are wrapped up in your cloak, arise and give warning.
75The ResurrectionI swear by the Day of Resurrection, and by the self-reproaching soul!
76ManDoes there not pass over man a space of time when his life is a blank?
77Those that are Sent ForthBy the gales, sent forth in swift succession ... that which you have been promised shall be fulfilled!
78The TidingsAbout the fateful tidings - the theme of their disputes.
79The Soul-SnatchersBy those who snatch away men's souls, and those who gently release them.
80He FrownedHe [Muhammad] frowned and turned his back when the blind man came towards him.
81The CessationWhen the sun ceases to shine ... then each soul shall learn what it has done.
82The CataclysmWhen the sky is rent asunder ... each soul shall know what it has done.
83The UnjustWoe betide the unjust ... when they measure or weigh for others, defraud them!
84The RendingWhen the sky is rent apart ... then ... shall you meet Him.
85The ConstellationsBy the heaven with its constellations!
86The Nightly VisitantWould that you knew what the nightly visitant is! It is the star of piercing brightness.
87The Most HighPraise the Name of your Lord, the Most High.
88The Overwhelming EventHave you heard of the Event which will overwhelm mankind?
89The DawnBy the Dawn and the Ten Nights [of the sacred month of Dhul-Hajjah].
90The CityI swear by this city ... We created man to try him with afflictions.
91The SunBy the sun and his midday brightness.
92NightBy the night, when she lets fall her darkness, and by the radiant day!
93DaylightBy the light of day, and by the dark of night, your Lord has not forsaken you.
94ComfortWith every hardship there is ease.
95The FigBy the Fig, and by the Olive!
96Clots of BloodRecite in the name of your Lord who created - created man from clots of blood.
97QadrBetter is the Night of Qadr than a thousand months.
98The ProofThe unbelievers among the People of the Book and the pagans did not desist from unbelief until the Proof was given them.
99The EarthquakeWhen Earth is rocked in her last convulsion; when Earth shakes off her burdens.
100The War SteedsBy the snorting war steeds, which strikes fire with their hoofs as they gallop to the raid at dawn.
101The DisasterWould that you knew what the Disaster is!
102Worldly GainsYour hearts are taken up with worldly gain from the cradle to the grave.
103The Declining DayI swear by the declining day that perdition shall be the lot of man, except for those who have faith and do good works.
104The SlanderersWoe betide every back-biting slanderer who amasses riches and sedulously hoards them.
105The ElephantHave you not considered how God dealt with the Army of the Elephant?
106QurayshFor the protection of Quraysh: their protection in their summer and winter journeyings.
107AlmsWoe betide those who pray but are heedless in their prayer; who make a show of piety and forbid almsgiving.
108AbundanceWe have given you abundance.
109The UnbelieversSay: 'Unbelievers, I do not worship what you worship, nor do you worship what I worship.'
110HelpWhen God's help and victory come, and you see men embrace God's faith in multitudes, give glory to your Lord and seek His pardon.
111FibreHis wife, laden with firewood, shall have a rope of fibre round her neck!
112OnenessSay: 'God is One, the Eternal God.'
113DaybreakSay: 'I seek refuge in the Lord of Daybreak from the mischief of His creation.'
114MenSay: 'I seek refuge in the Lord of men, the King of men, the God of men.'

Reference: N J Dawood (1997) "The Koran". Penguin Books.